Sunday, 23 July 2017

Short Term Trading Strategies Work Pdf

Strategi Trading Forex Salah satu cara paling ampuh untuk memenangkan suatu perdagangan adalah portofolio strategi trading Forex yang diterapkan oleh trader dalam situasi yang berbeda. Setelah satu sistem saja tidak cukup untuk perdagangan yang sukses. Setiap trader harus tahu bagaimana menghadapi semua kondisi pasar, yang bagaimanapun tidak begitu mudah, dan membutuhkan studi mendalam dan pemahaman tentang ekonomi. Untuk membantu Anda memenuhi kebutuhan pendidikan Anda dan menciptakan portofolio strategi trading Anda sendiri, IFC Markets memberi Anda sumber terpercaya mengenai perdagangan dan informasi lengkap tentang semua strategi trading forex yang populer dan sederhana yang diterapkan oleh pedagang sukses. Strategi trading yang kami wakili cocok untuk semua trader yang pemula dalam perdagangan atau ingin meningkatkan kemampuan mereka. Semua strategi yang diklasifikasikan dan dijelaskan di bawah adalah untuk tujuan pendidikan dan dapat diterapkan oleh masing-masing trader dengan cara yang berbeda. Strategi Perdagangan Berdasarkan Analisis Forex Strategi Analisis Teknis Forex Strategi Perdagangan Forex Tren Dukungan dan Perlawanan Strategi Perdagangan Strategi Perdagangan Rentang Forex Indikator Teknis dalam Strategi Perdagangan Forex Bagan Forex Strategi Perdagangan Strategi Perdagangan Volume Forex Strategi Basis Waktu Analisis Strategi Forex Berdasarkan Analisis Fundamental Forex Strategi Perdagangan Berdasarkan Sentimen Pasar Strategi Forex Berdasarkan Gaya Perdagangan Strategi Perdagangan Hari Forex Strategi Scalping Forex Strategi Perdagangan Gagal Strategi Trading Pivot Harian Momentum Strategi Perdagangan Strategi Perdagangan Strategi Strategi Lindung Nilai Forex Strategi Perdagangan Portofolio Strategi Beli dan Tahan Strategi Perdagangan Spread Strategi Swing Trading Strategi Forex Berdasarkan Jenis Order Perdagangan Strategi Perdagangan Algorithm Tweet Strategi Perdagangan Berdasarkan Analisis Forex Mungkin sebagian besar strategi trading Forex didasarkan pada jenis analisis pasar Forex utama yang digunakan untuk understan. D gerakan pasar Metode analisis utama ini meliputi analisis teknis, analisis fundamental dan sentimen pasar. Masing-masing metode analisis tersebut digunakan dengan cara tertentu untuk mengidentifikasi tren pasar dan membuat prediksi yang masuk akal mengenai perilaku pasar di masa depan. Jika dalam analisis teknikal pedagang terutama berurusan dengan berbagai grafik dan alat teknis untuk mengungkapkan keadaan masa lalu, sekarang dan masa depan harga mata uang, dalam analisis fundamental, pentingnya diberikan kepada faktor makroekonomi dan politik yang dapat secara langsung mempengaruhi pasar valuta asing. Cukup dengan pendekatan yang berbeda terhadap tren pasar yang diberikan oleh sentimen pasar, yang didasarkan pada sikap dan pendapat para pedagang. Di bawah ini Anda bisa membaca setiap metode analisis secara rinci. Menciak Strategi Analisis Teknis Forex Analisis teknis forex adalah studi tentang aksi pasar terutama melalui penggunaan grafik untuk tujuan meramalkan tren harga di masa depan. Pedagang valas dapat mengembangkan strategi berdasarkan berbagai alat analisis teknis termasuk tren pasar, tingkat volume, kisaran, tingkat dukungan dan daya tahan, pola dan indikator bagan, serta melakukan Analisis Bingkai Waktu Menggunakan grafik kerangka waktu yang berbeda. Strategi analisis teknis merupakan metode penting untuk mengevaluasi aset berdasarkan analisis dan statistik aksi pasar sebelumnya, seperti harga lalu dan volume lalu. Tujuan utama analis teknis bukan mengukur nilai aset yang mendasar, mereka mencoba menggunakan grafik atau alat analisis teknis lainnya untuk menentukan pola yang akan membantu meramalkan aktivitas pasar di masa depan. Keyakinan mereka yang kuat adalah bahwa kinerja pasar masa depan dapat ditunjukkan oleh kinerja historis. Menciak Trend Perdagangan Forex Tren Strategi merupakan salah satu konsep yang paling penting dalam analisis teknis. Semua alat analisis teknis yang digunakan analis memiliki satu tujuan: membantu mengidentifikasi tren pasar. Arti tren Forex tidak jauh berbeda dengan makna umumnya - tidak lebih dari arah pergerakan pasar. Tapi lebih tepatnya, pasar valuta asing tidak bergerak dalam garis lurus, pergerakannya ditandai oleh serangkaian zigzag yang menyerupai gelombang berturut-turut dengan puncak dan palung yang jelas, tinggi, dan rendah, seperti yang sering disebut. Seperti yang telah disebutkan di atas, tren forex terdiri dari serangkaian pasang surut dan, dan bergantung pada pergerakan puncak dan palung tersebut, kita dapat memahami jenis tren di pasar. Meskipun kebanyakan orang berpikir bahwa pasar valuta asing dapat naik atau turun, sebenarnya tidak ada dua tapi tiga jenis tren: Pedagang dan investor menghadapi tiga jenis keputusan: pergi panjang, yaitu membeli, pergi pendek, misalnya menjual, atau Singgahlah, yaitu tidak melakukan apa-apa. Selama semua jenis tren mereka harus mengembangkan strategi spesifik. Strategi pembelian lebih baik bila pasar naik dan sebaliknya strategi penjualan akan benar saat pasar turun. Tapi saat pasar bergerak menyamping pilihan ketiga untuk disisihkan - akan menjadi keputusan paling bijak. Menciak Strategi Perdagangan Dukungan dan Perlawanan Agar benar-benar memahami esensi strategi trading pendukung dan resistensi Anda harus terlebih dahulu mengetahui tingkat horizontal. Sebenarnya, ini adalah tingkat harga yang menunjukkan adanya dukungan atau penolakan di pasar. Dukungan dan resistensi dalam analisis teknis adalah syarat untuk harga terendah dan tertinggi masing-masing. Istilah support menunjukkan area pada grafik dimana minat beli secara signifikan kuat dan melampaui tekanan jual. Hal ini biasanya ditandai dengan palung sebelumnya. Level resistance, berlawanan dengan level support, mewakili area pada chart dimana selling interest mengatasi tekanan beli. Hal ini biasanya ditandai dengan puncak sebelumnya. Untuk mengembangkan strategi pendukung dan resistensi Anda harus menyadari bagaimana tren diidentifikasi melalui tingkat horizontal ini. Jadi, untuk uptrend untuk melanjutkan, masing-masing tingkat dukungan berturut-turut harus lebih tinggi dari yang sebelumnya, dan setiap tingkat ketahanan berturut-turut harus lebih tinggi daripada yang sebelumnya. Jika ini tidak terjadi, misalnya, jika level support turun ke palung sebelumnya, mungkin akan menandakan bahwa uptrend akan datang sampai akhir atau setidaknya akan berubah menjadi tren sideways. Kemungkinan pembalikan tren dari atas ke bawah akan terjadi. Situasi sebaliknya terjadi dalam tren turun, kegagalan masing-masing level support untuk bergerak lebih rendah dari palung sebelumnya mungkin akan memberi sinyal perubahan pada tren yang ada. Konsep dibalik support dan resistance trading masih sama - membeli sekuritas saat kita mengharapkan kenaikan harga dan jual saat mengharapkan harganya turun. Dengan demikian, ketika harga jatuh ke level support, trader memutuskan untuk membeli permintaan dan menaikkan harga. Dengan cara yang sama, ketika harga naik ke level resistance, trader memutuskan untuk menjual, menciptakan tekanan ke bawah dan menurunkan harga. Tweet Strategi Trading Forex Range Range strategi trading, yang juga disebut channel trading, umumnya terkait dengan kurangnya arah pasar dan digunakan selama tidak adanya tren. Rentang perdagangan mengidentifikasi pergerakan harga mata uang di saluran dan tugas pertama strategi ini adalah untuk menemukan kisarannya. Proses ini bisa dilakukan dengan menghubungkan deretan pasang surut dengan garis tren horizontal. Dengan kata lain, trader harus menemukan level support dan resistance yang utama dengan area di antaranya dikenal dengan range trading. Dalam range trading yang cukup mudah untuk menemukan daerah untuk mengambil keuntungan. Anda bisa membeli di support dan sell pada resistance selama security belum keluar dari channel. Jika tidak, jika arah pelarian tidak menguntungkan posisi Anda, Anda mungkin mengalami kerugian besar. Rentang perdagangan benar-benar bekerja di pasar dengan volatilitas yang cukup kuat karena harganya terus bergoyang-goyang di saluran tanpa menembus batas. Jika level support atau resistance pecah, Anda harus keluar dari posisi berbasis range. Cara yang paling efisien dalam mengelola risiko dalam range trading adalah penggunaan stop loss order seperti kebanyakan trader. Mereka menempatkan sell limit orders di bawah resistance saat menjual range dan mengatur take profit turun di dekat support. Saat membeli support mereka menempatkan buy limit orders diatas support dan place mengambil profit order di dekat level resistance yang sebelumnya teridentifikasi. Dan risiko dapat dikelola dengan menempatkan stop loss orders di atas level resistance saat menjual resistance zone pada range, dan dibawah level support saat membeli support. Menciak Indikator Teknis dalam Strategi Perdagangan Forex Indikator teknis adalah perhitungan yang didasarkan pada harga dan volume keamanan. Mereka digunakan baik untuk mengkonfirmasi tren dan kualitas pola grafik, dan untuk membantu pedagang menentukan sinyal beli dan jual. Indikator dapat diterapkan secara terpisah untuk membentuk sinyal beli dan jual, serta dapat digunakan bersamaan, bersamaan dengan Pola grafik dan pergerakan harga. Indikator analisis teknis dapat membentuk sinyal beli dan jual melalui moving average crossover dan divergence. Crossover tercermin ketika harga bergerak melalui moving average atau bila dua moving average yang berbeda saling silang. Divergensi terjadi ketika tren harga dan tren indikator bergerak berlawanan arah yang mengindikasikan bahwa arah tren harga melemah. Mereka bisa diaplikasikan secara terpisah untuk membentuk sinyal beli dan jual, sekaligus bisa digunakan bersamaan, bersamaan dengan pasar. Namun, tidak semuanya digunakan secara luas oleh para pedagang. Indikator berikut yang disebutkan di bawah ini sangat penting bagi analis dan setidaknya salah satunya digunakan oleh masing-masing trader untuk mengembangkan strategi tradingnya: Moving Average Bollinger Bands Relative Strength Index (RSI) Stochastic Oscillator Moving Average ConvergenceDivergence (MACD) ADX Momentum Anda dapat Mudah belajar bagaimana menggunakan setiap indikator dan mengembangkan strategi trading berdasarkan indikator. Tweet Grafik Forex Strategi Perdagangan Dalam analisis teknis Forex, grafik adalah representasi grafis pergerakan harga selama jangka waktu tertentu. Hal itu bisa menunjukkan pergerakan harga sekuritas lebih dari satu bulan atau satu tahun. Bergantung pada informasi pedagang yang dicari dan keahlian apa yang mereka kuasai, mereka dapat menggunakan beberapa jenis grafik: diagram batang, bagan garis, bagan kandil dan bagan titik dan gambar. Juga mereka dapat mengembangkan strategi spesifik dengan menggunakan pola grafik teknik populer berikut ini: Segitiga Bendera Pennants The Wedge Pola Rectangle Pola Kepala dan Bahu Double Tops dan Double Bottoms Triple Tops and Triple Bottoms Anda dapat dengan mudah mempelajari bagaimana menggunakan grafik dan mengembangkan strategi trading. Dengan pola grafik Tweet Volume Perdagangan Forex Strategi Volume menunjukkan jumlah sekuritas yang diperdagangkan selama waktu tertentu. Volume yang lebih tinggi menunjukkan tingkat intensitas atau tekanan yang lebih tinggi. Menjadi salah satu faktor terpenting dalam perdagangan, selalu dianalisis dan diperkirakan oleh para chartis. Untuk menentukan pergerakan volume ke atas atau ke bawah. Mereka melihat volume perdagangan gistogram biasanya dipresentasikan di bagian bawah grafik. Setiap pergerakan harga lebih penting jika disertai dengan volume yang relatif tinggi dibandingkan jika disertai dengan volume yang lemah. Dengan melihat tren dan volume bersama, teknisi menggunakan dua alat yang berbeda untuk mengukur tekanan. Jika harga tren lebih tinggi, menjadi jelas bahwa ada lebih banyak pembelian daripada tekanan jual. Jika volume mulai turun selama tren naik, sinyal akan menunjukkan tren kenaikan akan berakhir. Seperti yang disebutkan oleh analis analis Huzefa Hamid volume adalah gas di dalam tangki mesin perdagangan. Meskipun kebanyakan pedagang hanya memberi preferensi pada grafik teknis dan indikator untuk membuat keputusan perdagangan, volume diperlukan untuk memindahkan pasar. Namun, tidak semua jenis volume dapat mempengaruhi perdagangan, volume sejumlah besar uang yang diperdagangkan dalam hari yang sama dan sangat mempengaruhi pasar. Menciak Strategi Analisis Bingkai Waktu Menggunakan Analisis Bingkai Waktu Beberapa menyarankan untuk mengikuti harga keamanan tertentu selama rentang waktu yang berbeda. Karena harga keamanan sementara itu bergerak melalui beberapa kerangka waktu yang sangat berguna bagi para pedagang untuk menganalisis berbagai kerangka waktu sambil menentukan lingkaran perdagangan keamanan. Melalui Multiple Time Frame Analysis (MTFA) Anda dapat menentukan tren baik pada skala yang lebih kecil dan lebih besar dan mengidentifikasi keseluruhan tren pasar. Seluruh proses MTFA dimulai dengan identifikasi pasti arah pasar pada kerangka waktu yang lebih tinggi (panjang, pendek atau menengah) dan menganalisisnya melalui kerangka waktu yang lebih rendah mulai dari grafik 5 menit. Pedagang berpengalaman Corey Rosenbloom percaya bahwa dalam beberapa analisis kerangka waktu, grafik bulanan, mingguan dan harian harus digunakan untuk menilai kapan tren bergerak ke arah yang sama. Namun, hal ini dapat menyebabkan masalah karena kerangka waktu tidak selalu sejajar dan berbagai jenis tren terjadi pada kerangka waktu yang berbeda. Menurutnya, analisis kerangka waktu lebih rendah memberi lebih banyak informasi. Tweet Strategi Trading Forex Berdasarkan Analisis Fundamental Sementara analisa teknikal difokuskan pada studi dan kinerja aksi pasar yang lalu, analisis fundamental Forex berkonsentrasi pada alasan mendasar yang memberi dampak pada arah pasar. Dasar analisis fundamental Forex adalah bahwa indikator makroekonomi seperti tingkat pertumbuhan ekonomi, tingkat suku bunga dan tingkat pengangguran, inflasi, atau isu politik penting dapat berdampak pada pasar keuangan dan oleh karena itu dapat digunakan untuk membuat keputusan perdagangan. Teknisi tidak merasa perlu untuk mengetahui alasan perubahan pasar, namun fundamentalis mencoba untuk menemukan alasannya. Yang terakhir menganalisis data makroekonomi dari negara tertentu atau negara yang berbeda untuk meramalkan perilaku mata uang negara yang diberikan dalam waktu terdekat. Berdasarkan kejadian atau perhitungan tertentu, mereka mungkin memutuskan untuk membeli mata uang dengan harapan bahwa yang terakhir akan meningkat nilainya dan mereka akan dapat menjualnya dengan harga lebih tinggi, atau mereka akan menjual mata uang untuk membelinya nanti di posisi yang lebih rendah. harga. Alasan mengapa analis fundamental menggunakan kerangka waktu yang begitu lama adalah sebagai berikut: data yang mereka pelajari dihasilkan jauh lebih lambat daripada data harga dan volume yang digunakan oleh analis teknis. Tweet Strategi Trading Forex Berdasarkan Sentimen Pasar Sentimen pasar ditentukan oleh sikap investor terhadap pasar keuangan atau keamanan tertentu. Apa yang orang rasakan dan bagaimana hal ini membuat mereka berperilaku di pasar Forex adalah konsep dibalik sentimen pasar. Pentingnya memahami pendapat sekelompok orang pada topik tertentu tidak dapat diremehkan. Untuk setiap tujuan analisis sentimen dapat memberikan wawasan yang berharga dan membantu membuat keputusan yang tepat. Semua pedagang memiliki pendapat mereka sendiri tentang pergerakan pasar, dan pemikiran dan opini mereka yang tercermin secara langsung dalam transaksi mereka membantu membentuk keseluruhan sentimen pasar. Pasar dengan sendirinya adalah jaringan yang sangat kompleks yang terdiri dari sejumlah individu yang posisinya benar-benar mewakili sentimen pasar. Namun, Anda sendiri tidak dapat membuat pasar beralih ke pilihan Anda sebagai pedagang, Anda memiliki pendapat dan harapan dari pasar, tetapi jika Anda berpikir bahwa Euro akan naik, dan pihak lain tidak berpikir begitu, Anda tidak dapat melakukan apapun mengenai hal itu. Di sini, sentimen pasar dianggap bullish jika investor mengantisipasi pergerakan harga ke atas, sementara jika investor memperkirakan harga akan turun, sentimen pasar dikatakan bearish. Strategi dari sentimen pasar Forex berikut berfungsi sebagai alat yang baik untuk memprediksi pergerakan pasar dan sangat penting bagi investor pelawan, yang bertujuan untuk berdagang dengan arah berlawanan dari sentimen pasar. Jadi, jika sentimen pasar yang ada bullish (semua trader beli), investor kontrarian akan menjual. Tweet Strategi Forex Berdasarkan Gaya Perdagangan Strategi trading forex dapat dikembangkan dengan mengikuti gaya trading populer yaitu perdagangan hari, carry trade, buy and hold strategy, hedging, portfolio trading, spread trading, swing trading, order trading dan algorithmic trading. Menggunakan dan mengembangkan strategi perdagangan sebagian besar bergantung pada pemahaman kekuatan dan kelemahan Anda. Agar sukses dalam perdagangan, Anda harus menemukan cara trading terbaik yang sesuai dengan kepribadian Anda. Tidak ada cara yang benar untuk trading dengan cara yang benar bagi orang lain mungkin tidak bekerja. untukmu. Di bawah ini Anda bisa membaca tentang setiap gaya trading dan menentukan sendiri. Menciak Strategi Perdagangan Hari Forex Strategi perdagangan hari merupakan tindakan untuk membeli dan menjual keamanan dalam hari yang sama, yang berarti bahwa seorang pedagang tidak dapat memegang posisi trading apapun dalam semalam. Strategi perdagangan hari meliputi scalping, fading, daily pivots dan momentum trading. Dalam hal melakukan perdagangan hari Anda dapat melakukan beberapa perdagangan dalam satu hari namun harus melikuidasi semua posisi perdagangan sebelum penutupan pasar. Faktor penting yang harus diingat dalam perdagangan hari adalah semakin lama posisi Anda, semakin tinggi risiko kehilangan Anda. Bergantung pada gaya trading yang Anda pilih, target harga bisa berubah. Di bawah ini Anda bisa belajar tentang strategi perdagangan sehari yang paling banyak digunakan. Tweet Strategi Scalping Forex Scalping Forex adalah strategi trading hari yang didasarkan pada transaksi cepat dan singkat dan digunakan untuk menghasilkan banyak keuntungan dengan perubahan harga yang kecil. Pedagang jenis ini, yang disebut calo, dapat menerapkan hingga 2 ratus perdagangan dalam satu hari yang percaya bahwa pergerakan harga kecil jauh lebih mudah diikuti daripada yang berukuran besar. Tujuan utama mengikuti strategi ini adalah dengan membeli banyak sekuritas dengan harga bid ask dan dalam waktu singkat sellbuy mereka dengan harga yang lebih tinggi untuk menghasilkan keuntungan. Ada beberapa faktor penting untuk scalping Forex. Ini adalah likuiditas, volatilitas, kerangka waktu dan manajemen risiko. Likuiditas pasar memiliki pengaruh terhadap bagaimana pedagang melakukan scalping. Beberapa dari mereka lebih suka berdagang di pasar yang lebih likuid sehingga mereka dapat dengan mudah masuk dan keluar dari posisi besar, sementara yang lain mungkin lebih menyukai perdagangan di pasar yang kurang likuid yang memiliki spread bid-ask yang lebih besar. Sejauh ini mengacu pada volatilitas, calo seperti produk yang agak stabil, bagi mereka untuk tidak khawatir dengan perubahan harga mendadak. Jika harga keamanan stabil, calo bisa mendapatkan keuntungan bahkan dengan menetapkan pesanan pada tawaran dan permintaan yang sama, menghasilkan ribuan perdagangan. Kerangka waktu dalam strategi scalping secara signifikan pendek dan trader mencoba untuk mendapatkan keuntungan dari pergerakan pasar kecil seperti itu yang bahkan sulit dilihat pada grafik satu menit. Bersama dengan membuat ratusan keuntungan kecil dalam sehari, para perajut sekaligus dapat menahan ratusan kerugian kecil. Oleh karena itu, mereka harus mengembangkan manajemen risiko yang ketat untuk menghindari kerugian yang tidak terduga. Tweet Fading Trading Strategy Memudar dalam hal trading forex berarti trading melawan tren. Jika tren naik, pedagang yang memudar akan menjual dengan mengharapkan harga turun dan dengan cara yang sama mereka akan membeli jika harga naik. Di sini, strategi ini mengandaikan penjualan sekuritas saat harganya naik dan membeli saat harga sedang turun, atau yang disebut memudar. Ini disebut strategi perdagangan hari kontra yang digunakan untuk perdagangan melawan tren yang berlaku. Tidak seperti jenis trading lain yang target utamanya adalah mengikuti tren yang berlaku, trading yang memudar perlu mengambil posisi yang berlawanan dengan tren utama. Asumsi utama yang menjadi dasar strategi memudar adalah: Efek overbought Pembeli awal siap untuk mengambil keuntungan Pembeli saat ini mungkin tampak berisiko Meskipun memudar pasar bisa sangat berisiko dan membutuhkan toleransi risiko tinggi, hal itu bisa sangat menguntungkan. Untuk melaksanakan strategi Fading dua limit order dapat ditempatkan pada harga yang ditentukan - order limit beli harus ditetapkan di bawah harga saat ini dan batas jual harus ditetapkan di atasnya. Strategi memudar sangat berisiko karena ini berarti perdagangan melawan tren pasar yang berlaku. Namun, bisa jadi menguntungkan juga - pedagang pudar bisa mendapatkan keuntungan dari pembalikan harga apapun karena setelah kenaikan tajam atau penurunan mata uang maka diharapkan bisa menunjukkan beberapa pembalikan. Jadi, jika digunakan dengan benar, strategi memudar bisa menjadi cara perdagangan yang sangat menguntungkan. Pengikutnya diyakini sebagai pengambil risiko yang mengikuti peraturan manajemen risiko dan mencoba keluar dari setiap perdagangan dengan keuntungan. Tweet Strategi Trading Pivot Harian Pivot Trading bertujuan untuk mendapatkan keuntungan dari volatilitas harian currencys. Dalam pengertian dasarnya, titik pivot didefinisikan sebagai titik balik. Hal ini dianggap sebagai indikator teknis yang diturunkan dengan menghitung rata-rata numerik dari harga pasangan mata uang yang tinggi, rendah dan tutup. Konsep utama dari strategi ini adalah membeli dengan harga terendah hari ini dan menjual dengan harga tertinggi hari ini. Pada pertengahan 1990-an, seorang pedagang profesional dan analis Thomas Aspray menerbitkan pivot mingguan dan harian untuk pasar forex tunai ke klien institusionalnya. Seperti yang dia sebutkan, pada saat itu level mingguan pivot tidak tersedia dalam program analisis teknis dan formula tersebut juga tidak banyak digunakan. Namun pada tahun 2004 buku oleh John Person, Panduan Lengkap untuk Taktik Perdagangan Teknis: Cara Keuntungan Menggunakan Poin Pivot, Candlestick Indikator Lain mengungkapkan bahwa titik pivot telah digunakan selama lebih dari 20 tahun sampai saat itu. Pada tahun-tahun terakhir ini bahkan mengejutkan Thomas untuk menemukan rahasia analisis titik pivot kuartalan, sekali lagi karena John Person. Saat ini rumus dasar penghitungan pivot point tersedia dan banyak digunakan oleh trader. Apalagi kalkulator titik pivot bisa dengan mudah ditemukan di Internet. Untuk sesi perdagangan saat ini, titik pivot dihitung sebagai: Titik Pivot (Sebelumnya Tinggi Sebelumnya Rendah Sebelumnya Tutup) 3 Dasar pivot harian adalah untuk menentukan tingkat support dan resistance pada grafik dan mengidentifikasi titik masuk dan keluar. Hal ini dapat dilakukan dengan rumus sebagai berikut: S1 - Support Level 1 R2 - Resistance Level 2 S2 - Level Support 2 Tweet Momentum Trading Strategy Momentum trading sebenarnya berdasarkan pada menemukan keamanan terkuat yang juga cenderung bertransaksi lebih tinggi. Konsep bahwa tren yang ada cenderung berlanjut daripada sebaliknya. Seorang trader yang mengikuti strategi ini kemungkinan akan membeli mata uang yang telah menunjukkan tren kenaikan dan menjual mata uang yang telah menunjukkan tren turun. Dengan demikian, tidak seperti pedagang pivot harian, yang membeli rendah dan menjual tinggi, pedagang momentum membeli tinggi dan menjual lebih tinggi. Momentum trader menggunakan indikator teknis yang berbeda, seperti MACD, RSI, momentum osilator untuk menentukan pergerakan harga mata uang dan memutuskan posisi apa yang harus diambil. Mereka juga mempertimbangkan berita dan volume berat untuk membuat keputusan perdagangan yang tepat. Momentum trading mensyaratkan berlangganan layanan berita dan memantau alert harga untuk terus menghasilkan keuntungan. Menurut seorang analis keuangan Larry Light yang terkenal, strategi momentum dapat membantu investor mengalahkan pasar dan menghindari crash, ketika digabungkan dengan tren berikut, yang hanya berfokus pada saham yang diperoleh. Tweet Carry Trade Strategy Carry trade adalah strategi dimana seorang trader meminjam mata uang di negara dengan bunga rendah, mengubahnya menjadi mata uang di negara dengan tingkat suku bunga tinggi dan menginvestasikannya dalam sekuritas hutang kelas tinggi di negara tersebut. Investor yang mengikuti strategi ini meminjam uang dengan suku bunga rendah untuk berinvestasi dalam sekuritas yang diharapkan bisa memberikan imbal hasil yang lebih tinggi. Membawa perdagangan memungkinkan untuk mendapatkan keuntungan dari pasar yang tidak stabil dan stabil, karena di sini agaknya perbedaan antara tingkat suku bunga mata uang semakin tinggi selisihnya, semakin besar keuntungannya. Sementara menentukan mata uang apa yang akan diperdagangkan dengan strategi ini, Anda harus mempertimbangkan perubahan yang diharapkan dalam tingkat suku bunga mata uang tertentu. Prinsipnya sederhana - beli mata uang yang tingkat suku bunga diperkirakan akan naik dan menjual mata uang yang tingkat suku bunga diperkirakan turun. Namun, ini tidak berarti bahwa perubahan harga di antara mata uang sama sekali tidak penting. Dengan demikian, Anda dapat berinvestasi dalam mata uang karena tingkat suku bunga yang tinggi, namun jika harga mata uang turun dan Anda menutup perdagangan, Anda mungkin mendapati bahwa meskipun Anda memperoleh keuntungan dari suku bunga yang juga telah hilang dari perdagangan karena Beda harga buas. Oleh karena itu, carry trade sebagian besar cocok untuk pasar tanpa trend atau sideways, saat pergerakan harga diperkirakan akan tetap sama untuk beberapa lama. Tweet Strategi Hedging Forex Hedging umumnya dipahami sebagai strategi yang melindungi investor dari terjadinya kejadian yang dapat menyebabkan kerugian tertentu. Gagasan di balik hedging mata uang adalah membeli mata uang dan menjual yang lain dengan harapan kerugian pada satu perdagangan akan diimbangi oleh keuntungan yang diperoleh pada perdagangan lain. Strategi ini bekerja paling efisien bila mata uang berkorelasi negatif. Dengan demikian, Anda harus membeli keamanan kedua selain yang sudah Anda miliki untuk melakukan lindung nilai setelah bergerak dalam arah yang tidak terduga. Strategi ini, tidak seperti kebanyakan strategi trading yang sudah dibahas, tidak digunakan untuk menghasilkan keuntungan melainkan bertujuan mengurangi risiko dan ketidakpastian. Ini dianggap sebagai jenis strategi tertentu yang tujuan utamanya adalah untuk mengurangi risiko dan meningkatkan kemungkinan kemenangan. Sebagai contoh kita bisa mengambil beberapa pasangan mata uang dan mencoba membuat lindung nilai. Katakanlah bahwa pada jangka waktu tertentu dolar AS kuat, dan beberapa pasangan mata uang termasuk USD menunjukkan nilai yang berbeda. Seperti, GBPUSD turun sebesar 0,60, JPYUSD turun sebesar 0,75 dan EURUSD turun sebesar 0,30. Sebagai perdagangan terarah, sebaiknya kita mengambil pasangan EURUSD yang turun sedikit dan oleh karena itu menunjukkan bahwa jika perubahan arah pasar, akan lebih tinggi daripada pasangan lainnya. Setelah membeli pasangan EURUSD kita perlu memilih pasangan mata uang yang bisa berfungsi sebagai lindung nilai. Sekali lagi kita harus melihat nilai mata uang dan memilih salah satu yang menunjukkan kelemahan paling komparatif. Dalam contoh kita itu JPY, dan EURJPY akan menjadi pilihan yang baik. Dengan demikian, kita bisa melakukan lindung nilai terhadap perdagangan kita membeli EURUSD dan menjual EURJPY. Apa yang lebih penting untuk diperhatikan dalam hedging mata uang adalah bahwa pengurangan risiko selalu berarti pengurangan keuntungan, di sini, strategi lindung nilai tidak menjamin keuntungan besar, namun dapat melindungi investasi Anda dan membantu Anda menghindari kerugian atau setidaknya mengurangi tingkatnya. Namun, jika dikembangkan dengan benar, strategi lindung nilai mata uang dapat menghasilkan keuntungan bagi kedua perdagangan. Strategi Trading Portofolio Keranjang Perdagangan portofolio, yang juga bisa disebut trading basket, didasarkan pada kombinasi antara aset berbeda dengan pasar keuangan yang berbeda (Forex, saham, futures, dll.). Konsep dibalik portfolio trading adalah diversifikasi, salah satu cara yang paling populer untuk mengurangi risiko. Dengan pedagang alokasi aset yang cerdas melindungi diri dari volatilitas pasar, mengurangi tingkat risiko dan menjaga keseimbangan laba. Yang sangat penting untuk menciptakan portofolio terdiversifikasi untuk mencapai tujuan trading anda. Jika tidak, strategi semacam ini akan tanpa tujuan. Anda harus mengkompilasi portofolio Anda dengan sekuritas semacam itu (mata uang, saham, komoditas, indeks) yang tidak terkait secara ketat, yang berarti bahwa keuntungan mereka tidak bergerak naik turun dalam hubungan yang serasi. Dengan mencampuradukkan berbagai aset dalam portofolio Anda yang memiliki korelasi negatif, dengan satu harga keamanan naik dan yang lainnya turun, Anda dapat menjaga keseimbangan portofolio, sehingga menghemat keuntungan dan mengurangi risikonya. Saat ini IFC Markets menyediakan teknologi pembuatan dan perdagangan Instrumen Komposit Pribadi (PCI) berdasarkan Metode GeWorko. Yang membuatnya lebih mudah untuk melakukan perdagangan portofolio. Teknologi ini memungkinkan untuk membuat portofolio dimulai dengan hanya dua aset dan mencakup hingga puluhan instrumen keuangan yang berbeda, membuka posisi long dan short dalam portofolio, melihat sejarah harga aset yang membentang hingga 40 tahun, menciptakan PCI Anda sendiri. Menggunakan berbagai alat analisis pasar, menerapkan strategi perdagangan yang berbeda dan terus mengoptimalkan dan menyeimbangkan portofolio investasi Anda. Dengan kata lain, Metode GeWorko adalah solusi yang memungkinkan Anda mengembangkan dan menerapkan strategi yang sesuai dengan preferensi Anda. Tweet Strategi Beli dan Tahan Strategi beli dan bertahan adalah jenis investasi dan perdagangan saat trader membeli sekuritas dan menahannya untuk waktu yang lama. Seorang trader yang menggunakan strategi buy and hold investment tidak tertarik pada pergerakan harga jangka pendek dan indikator teknis. Sebenarnya, strategi ini banyak digunakan oleh trader saham namun beberapa trader Forex juga menggunakannya, mengacu pada metode investasi pasif tertentu. Mereka umumnya mengandalkan analisis fundamental daripada grafik dan indikator teknis. Ini sudah tergantung pada jenis investor untuk memutuskan bagaimana cara menerapkan strategi ini. Seorang investor pasif akan memperhatikan faktor fundamental, seperti tingkat inflasi dan tingkat pengangguran negara yang mata uangnya telah diinvestasikan, atau bergantung pada analisis perusahaan yang sahamnya dimilikinya, mengingat strategi pertumbuhan perusahaan, kualitas produknya, Dll. Bagi investor aktif, akan lebih efektif untuk menerapkan analisis teknis atau tindakan matematis lainnya untuk memutuskan apakah akan membeli atau menjual. Tweet Spread Pair Trading Strategy Perdagangan pasangan (spread trading) adalah pembelian dan penjualan simultan dua instrumen keuangan yang saling terkait satu sama lain. Perbedaan perubahan harga kedua instrumen ini membuat keuntungan atau kerugian perdagangan. Dengan strategi ini, pedagang membuka dua posisi yang sama dan berlawanan secara langsung yang dapat saling mengimbangi menjaga keseimbangan perdagangan. Spread trading bisa terdiri dari dua jenis: spread intra-market dan antar komoditas. Pada kasus pertama, pedagang dapat membuka posisi long dan short pada perdagangan aset dasar yang sama dalam berbagai bentuk (misalnya di pasar spot dan futures) dan pada bursa yang berbeda, sedangkan pada kasus kedua mereka membuka posisi long dan short pada aset berbeda yang terkait. Satu sama lain, seperti emas dan perak. Dalam penyebaran perdagangan penting untuk melihat bagaimana sekuritas terkait dan tidak memprediksi pergerakan pasar. Penting untuk menemukan instrumen perdagangan terkait dengan selisih harga yang terlihat untuk menjaga keseimbangan positif antara risiko dan imbalan. Tweet Swing Trading Strategy Swing trading adalah strategi dimana trader memegang aset dalam satu hingga beberapa hari menunggu keuntungan dari perubahan harga atau yang disebut ayunan. Posisi trading swing sebenarnya bertahan lebih lama dari posisi trading hari dan lebih pendek dari posisi buy and hold trading. Yang bisa bertahan bahkan selama bertahun-tahun. Swing trader menggunakan seperangkat aturan berbasis matematis untuk menghilangkan aspek emosional perdagangan dan melakukan analisis intensif. Mereka dapat membuat sistem perdagangan menggunakan analisis teknis dan fundamental untuk menentukan titik beli dan jual. Jika dalam beberapa strategi tren pasar tidak penting, dalam perdagangan ayun, faktor pertama yang perlu dipertimbangkan. The followers of this strategy trade with the primary trend of the chart and believe in the Trend is your friend concept. If the currency is in an uptrend swing traders go long, that is, buy it. But if the currency is in a downtrend, they go short - sell the currency. Often the trend is not clear-cut, it is sideways-neither bullish, nor bearish. In such cases the currency price moves in a predictable pattern between support and resistance levels. The swing trading opportunity here will be the opening of a long position near the support level and opening a short position near the resistance level. Tweet Forex Strategies Based on Trading Order Types Order trading helps traders to enter or exit a position at the most suitable moment by using different orders including market orders, pending orders, limit orders, stop orders, stop loss orders and OCO orders. Currently, advanced trading platforms provide various types of orders in trading which are not simply buy button and sell button. Each type of trading order can represent a specific strategy. Its important to know when and how to trade and which order to use in a given situation in order to develop the right order strategy. The most popular Forex orders that a trader can apply in his trade are: Market orders - a market order is placed to instruct the trader to buy or to sell at the best price available. The entry interfaces of market order usually have only buy and sell options which make it quick and easy to use. Pending Orders pending orders which are usually available in six types allow traders to buy or sell securities at a previously specified price. The pending orders-buy limit, sell limit, buy stop, sell stop, buy stop limit and sell stop limit - are placed to execute a trade once the price reaches the specified level. Limit Orders - a limit order instructs the trader to buy or sell the asset at a specified price. This means that first of all the trader should specify the desired buy and sell prices. The buy limit order instructs him to buy at the specified price or lower. And the sell limit order instructs to sell at the specified price or even higher. Once the price reaches the specified price, the limit order will be filled. Stop orders-a sell stop order or buy stop order is executed after the stop level, the specified price level, has been reached. The buy stop order is placed above the market and the sell stop order is set below the market. Stop loss orders - a stop loss order is set to limit the risk of trade. It is placed at the specified price level beyond which a trader doesnt want or is not ready to risk his money. For a long position you should set the stop loss order below the entry point which will protect you against market drops. Whereas, for a short position place the order above the trade entry to be protected against market rises. OCO OCO (one-cancels-the-other) represents a combination of two pending orders which are placed to open a position at prices different from the current market price. If one of them is executed the other will automatically be canceled. Tweet Algorithmic Trading Strategies Algorithmic trading, also known as automated Forex trading, is a particular way of trading based on a computer program which helps to determine whether to buy or sell the currency pair at a specific time frame. This kind of computer program works by a set of signals derived from technical analysis. Traders program their trade by instructing the software what signals to search for and how to interpret them. High-grade platforms include complementary platforms which give an opportunity of algorithmic trading. Such advanced platforms through which traders can perform algorithmic trading are NetTradeX and MetaTrader 4. NetTradeX trading platform besides its main functions, provides automated trading by NetTradeX Advisors. The latter is a secondary platform which contributes to automated trading and enhances the main platforms functionality by the NTL (NetTradeX Language). This secondary platform also allows to perform basic trading operations in a manual mode, like opening and closing positions, placing orders and using technical analysis tools. MetaTrader 4 trading platform also gives a possibility to execute algorithmic trading through an integrated program language MQL4. On this platform traders can create automatic trading robots, calledAdvisors, and their own indicators. All the functions of creating advisors, including debugging, testing, optimization and program compilation are performed and activated in MT4 Meta-Editor. The Forex trading strategy by robots and programs is developed mainly to avoid the emotional component of trade, as it is thought that the psychological aspect prevents to trade reasonably and mostly has a negative impact on trade. Choose Your Network: IFCMARKETS. CORP 2006-2017 IFC Markets adalah broker terkemuka di pasar keuangan internasional yang menyediakan layanan perdagangan Forex online, serta CFD future, index, stock and commodity. Perusahaan telah terus bekerja sejak tahun 2006 melayani pelanggannya dalam 18 bahasa dari 60 negara di seluruh dunia, sesuai dengan standar layanan broker internasional. Peringatan Peringatan Resiko: Perdagangan Forex dan CFD di pasar OTC melibatkan risiko dan kerugian yang signifikan dapat melebihi investasi Anda. IFC Markets does not provide services for United States and Japan residents. TVIX VelocityShares Daily 2X VIX Short-Term ETN Sign Up for Pro to Unlock Data Sign Up Realtime Rating Summary The adjacent table gives investors an individual Realtime Rating for TVIX on several different metrics, including liquidity, expenses, performance, volatility, dividend, concentration of holdings in addition to an overall rating. The A Metric Rated ETF field, available to ETFdb Pro members, shows the ETF in the Leveraged Volatility with the highest Metric Realtime Rating for each individual field. Untuk melihat semua data ini, masuklah ke uji coba 14 hari gratis untuk ETFdb Pro. Untuk melihat informasi bagaimana ETFdb Realtime Ratings bekerja, klik di sini. TVIX Overall Realtime Rating: A Overall Rated ETF: Technicals 20 Day MA: 4.85 60 Day MA: 7.29 MACD 15 Period: -0.02 MACD 100 Period: -6.16 Williams Range 10 Day: 43.22 Williams Range 20 Day: 65.28 RSI 10 Day: 40 RSI 20 Day: 32 RSI 30 Day: 33 Ultimate Oscillator: 38 Bollinger Brands Lower Bollinger (10 Day): 4.11 Upper Bollinger (10 Day): 4.92 Lower Bollinger (20 Day): 4.05 Upper Bollinger (20 Day): 5.71 Lower Bollinger (30 Day): 3.75 Upper Bollinger (30 Day): 6.90 Support Resistance Support Level 1: 4.47 Support Level 2: 4.28 Resistance Level 1: 5.02 Resistance Level 2: 5.38 Stochastic Stochastic Oscillator D (1 Day): 38.05 Stochastic Oscillator D (5 Day): 55.73 Stochastic Oscillator K (1 Day): 43.34 Stochastic Oscillator K (5 Day): 48.60 Artificial Intelligence Analyzes TVIX Published March 1, 2016 The following article was not written by a human. It was written by an AI called Emma. Her bio can be found on her author page . Artificial intelligence has come a long way, and while it may or may not replace humans, it is already providing exceptional support by augmenting human work in many industries. Emma collates news items and analyzes structured financial numbers as she spins out an article in 20 minutes. This is definitely an interesting milestone in AI. Were just checking in to see if our readers like it. Do give us a shout on Twitter at ETFdb or on Facebook . The Credit Suisse AG VelocityShares Daily 2x VIX Short-Term ETN ( TVIX C ) provides 2x leveraged exposure to an index comprising first - and second-month VIX futures positions, resulting in a weighted average maturity of one month. Typically, the VIX is known as the fear index, allowing investors to take positions on market sentiment. Hedge funds have used the VIX to hedge risks in their portfolios, while many long-term investors use it as downside protection. This year, TVIX is in the red, significantly underperforming the SampP 500. Markets recovered with reduced volatility from January, resulting in a loss of 12 for the ETN . More Macroeconomic Headwinds Than Tailwinds The overall picture for TVIX is looking good. There are several macroeconomic headwindsan anemic U. S. recovery, slowing demand in China, a near-negative interest rate environment in Japan and the EU, a stronger dollar, and capitulation of the debt of the companies in the energycommodities sectorthat all present downside risks to the earnings of companies present in the SampP 500. Since the VIX tracks volatility across the constituents of the SampP 500, one must also consider the fundamentals of the constituents. As early as January 2016, TVIX traded near 12.74, a sign of troubled times on the back of weak data from China and widening spreads on CDS from companies in the energy and commodities sectors. More recently, however, as oil has rallied from the mid-20s and the capitulation in the commodities sector has ended, TVIX has lost more than 50 of its value over the last month as volatility has come down. In terms of historical performance, the ETF has not done well as equities have rallied over the last five years. In percentage terms, TVIX is down 99.1, and over the last one year, it is down 68.03, despite spikes in late August and earlier this year on some of the same macroeconomic concerns. In both late August and mid-January, the VIX spiked, almost doubling in value from 16.50 to 30, taking the TVIX from 5.50 to 19 as expected, a three-fold increase in three weeks. Remember, the TVIX moves 2x or more the movement of the VIX. so price increases and decreases of this magnitude should not be much of a surprise. As of late, equities have rallied on the back of a strong global consumer, with earnings recovering in sectors such as staples, technology and services. The energycommodities complex too, has probably already seen the worst, and with that TVIX has cratered, falling from 12.70 in February 2016 to its current levels of 5.23. Very High Inverse Correlation With SampP 500 That takes us to TVIXs financial ratios. TVIX has just over 570 million in assets under management. The fund does not have a dividend yield as it is an uncollateralized debt instrument. TVIX is currently near its all-time lows, trading as of this writing at 5.23, with an all-time low of 4.75 reached a few trading sessions ago. Its 52-week high is 19.90, which it reached twice in early September 2015 and mid-February 2016. TVIX typically lags the performance of the VIX. both negative and positive, by a few days, and it also tends to have a very high inverse correlation to the direction of the SampP 500. As such, downside risks are a positive for TVIX. Among the downside risks to the global economy from a monetary policy perspective are anemic consumer demand in emerging markets, rising debt in China, and a strong greenback that has hurt the earnings of even well-established U. S. companies like Apple ( AAPL ). Finally, the Dow and SampP 500 are within 7 of their all-time highs, while TVIX is near an all-time low. As stated earlier, since TVIX has an inverse relationship with the stock market and tends to rise 50 or more in periods of stress to equities, I believe it8217s prudent to start accumulating TVIX in order to hedge downside risk to other parts of your portfolio. Therefore, TVIX is a Buy with a price target of 7. 2014 Morningstar, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The information contained herein: ( 1 ) is proprietary to Morningstar andor its content providers ( 2 ) may not be copied or distributed and ( 3 ) is not warranted to be accurate, complete or timely. Neither Morningstar nor its content providers are responsible for any damages or losses arising from any use of this information. Kinerja masa lalu bukanlah jaminan hasil masa depan. Source: LSEG Information Services (US), Inc. (LSEG) LSEG 2016. All rights in the XTF data, ratings and or underlying data contained in this communication (the XTF information) vest in LSEG andor its licensors. Neither LSEG nor its licensors accept any liability arising out of the use of, reliance on or any errors or omissions in the XTF information. No further distribution of the XTF information is permitted without LSEGs express written consent. LSEG does not promote, sponsor or endorse the content of this communication. Exclusive Method of Trading Options Gives You. quotAn Almost Risk-Free Way to Make a CEO-Level Income in the Stock Market Regardless Of Economic Conditions and Regardless of Whether The Market Goes Up, Down, or Sidewaysquot Listen, if youre like most people today, youre probably: Tired of making next to nothing on your investments. Tired of seeing your retirement portfolio (and plans) slowly slip away. Tired of getting the same old dismal returns in the market. Tired of getting bummed out every time you look at your 401k. Does any of this sound familiar If so, read the rest of this letter to discover how you can easily turn all that around using the Power and Leverage of safe, low-risk, high-return options to Make a Consistent Monthly Income in the Market . From: David Vallieres and Tim Warren Monday 5:30 AM Whether youre a seasoned trader or a complete beginner, youre about to discover options are not nearly as complicated or as risky as you have been led to believe. The truth is, most people, even many experienced stock brokers, just dont understand options. You see, stocks have been around for literally hundreds of years, but listed options are relatively new. They are just a little over 40 years old. So its understandable that most people dont know how they work. Thats where I come in. You see, I have spent the last 23 years studying, learning, planning, testing and perfecting a simple system for trading options. That system - allows my family and I to live a lifestyle most people can only dream of. (NOTE: The course contains FULL SIZE videos so you can see everything clearly.) And Now, Im Here to Share That System With You First, lets make sure you understand what options are. You may already know, but just in case you donrsquot, let me give you a simple example to illustrate how options work: Letrsquos say you see an ad in your local paper for a pair of blue jeans. Your local clothing store is running a sale on them, and for next three days they are only 30. However, by the time you make it to the store they are all sold out of your size. To keep you as a happy customer, the store clerk offers you a rain check. It entitles you to purchase a pair of the jeans at the sale price - 30 anytime within the next 60 days. That rain check is just like an option. You have the right - but not the obligation - to buy the blue jeans at the guaranteed price of 30 any time before the expiration date in 60 days. The only difference is, with an option they charge you a small premium for that right. What Makes Options So Special Well, lets take a look at the difference between buying a share of stock and buying an option. Lets say you get a hot tip. Your buddy tells you about a stock thats just getting ready to take off. You know that everything your buddy touches turns to gold, so you decide to invest 10,000 in the stock. Lets assume the stock is priced at 100 per share, so you end up with 100 shares of the stock. Now, lets say your buddy is right and the stock takes off. It increases in value by fifty percent. Not bad. Your stock went up by 50 a share. So if you decide to sell your 100 shares, youll profit 5000 (50 X 100 shares). Now, lets go back to the beginning and consider what would have happened if you had invested your 10,000 into options to buy the stock, rather than investing in the stock itself. Lets assume you could purchase an option to buy a share of the same hot stock for 5 each (you are paying a 5 quotpremiumquot for the right - but not the obligation - to buy the stock). So now, your same 10,000 would get you the option on 2000 shares of stock. Once again, well say your buddy knew what he was talking about and the stock went up by fifty percent. So, once again you made a killing. However, because were dealing with options, we have to calculate your profits a little differently this time. We have to figure in the price of the premium you paid for the option. So instead of making a profit of 50 on each share, you only made 45 on each option. But wait a minute, since you were able to purchase the option on 2000 shares of stock, your profit jumps to 90,000 Yes, Your Profit Jumps to 90,000 . Now that illustrates the Power and Leverage you get with options. And get this, thats just one of the reasons options have become increasingly popular recently. There are many more including: You get unlimited profit potential . five-figure monthly incomes are realistically within reach You can easily limit your risk and make losses virtually nonexistent You get the ability to profit whether the market is falling or rising (In fact, smart investors can make oodles of cash even during a market crash) You can quickly change your strategy mid-stream, to actually make money off a losing trade You can easily diversify your portfolio. options are readily available on stocks, indexes, futures and currencies. If you get it wrong. you can lose money just as fast as you can make it with options So dont think you can run right out and start making a ton of money with options. Its critical that you have a good understanding of the options market before you dive in. You need to find a good mentor. Someone thats been extremely successful trading options. Someone with a proven system. Someone that can take you by the hand and walk you step-by-step through the entire process. Thats where I come in. But mdash that also brings up a good point: Unlike many people who teach stocks and options, I am not a former quotmarket-makerquot or specialist or a licensed professional in the financial industry. I am a retail investor just like you, who after 23 years of testing and tweaking found a way to be successful and profitable trading stocks and options as a business. A successful business I run from home . And, the business methods I use are the same ones used by professional hedge fund managers and market professionals who rarely, if ever, talk about their strategies. So Why On Earth Would I Share My Secrets With You 1) First, in this business, competition is good. The markets are huge and worldwide. You cant have too many traders. In fact, the more traders you have, the more money you can make and the more liquid the market becomes. You actually want more people in the market. 2) Second, I want to give back. This business has been very good to me. Ive been fortunate enough to use it to build a lifestyle for my family that allows us the freedom to go wherever we want and do pretty much whatever we want. As long as Ive got my laptop and an Internet connection, Im all set. Just imagine what it would be like for you to be able to give your family the same freedom . 3) Third, I love to teach. I have been teaching people how to use the Internet to start a business since 1999. Thousands of people have learned how to make their living online with my courses, and thats been very rewarding for me. Now, it can be very rewarding for you too. You see, one thing Ive learned in all my years of teaching is the very best way for you to learn is to have me show you how to do something - step-by-step - before you attempt it yourself. Thats why throughout my quotExpert Option Tradingquot course you get to. Look Over My Shoulder as I Make My Own Trades Thats right. You actually get to watch as I make my daily trades and listen as I explain why I make the moves I do. You get to see exactly how I make money in the market . Watch and listen as I pick which options I want to buy and sell and then explain why. Look over my shoulder as I strategize about which trades to put together into a portfolio that will maximize profits and minimize risk. Watch as I manage my portfolio in less than 15 minutes a day. Follow along as I decide when to close a trade out and take my profits. You get to look over my shoulder and watch me actually make money in the market. Who else does that No one that I know of. You may be able to hire a personal trading coach that will do the same thing if youre willing to spend thousands of dollars, but Ive never seen anyone offering it. And it doesnt have to stop when youre done with the course. Just sign up for my newsletter and youll be able to continue to watch as I make trades and manage my portfolio on a daily basis. See exactly how I make my living in the market. quotThis Information is Pricelessquot I just wanted to say. I bought your course and it is great I watched all the videos in about one week and will be reviewing them again. Im hooked on this stuff I just started trading paper to try it out and hopefully build my confidence. This information is priceless whether you want to follow the strategies presented or not. Im very excited and hope that in a couple years I can do this as a business. Ive always wanted or at least loved the idea of trading as a business at home, but I didnt think it was possible. My experience was that it was a total crap shoot. But, as your course pointed out Ive been trading blind. This think or swim application is so unbelievable how you can analyze just about every possibility instantly in real time. And your strategies are so sound and logical. I love how the videos demonstrate exactly what you are teaching. Excellent A Radically Different Approach to Options Trading Look, most people approach the options market as pure speculation or worse yet, gambling. Thats why most people think the options market is too risky. In this course, youll discover how to virtually eliminate the risk and approach trading as a real business . Its simple: All businesses buy and sell something to make money. yoursquoll be buying and selling options in your business. In addition, all good businesses are managed based on numbers and ratios ndash yoursquoll discover how to do the same exact thing. Youll manage your business strictly by the numbers . This takes your emotions totally out of the picture, which in turn removes most of the risk . In fact, yoursquoll know exactly what your maximum profits are going to be BEFORE you ever place a trade. You wont have to guess or speculate ndash yoursquoll have a plan . Then - Yoursquoll simply manage your position. Dan - jika perlu, Anda akan melakukan penyesuaian agar tetap menguntungkan. Atau - Anda akan menggunakan taktik manajemen risiko cerdas untuk mengurangi kerugian Anda. Then - youll just collect your profits at the end of the trading cycle (monthly). Thats it And the best part is. You Can Do All This In Just 15 Minutes A Day . Thats right mdash Once your trades are set up for the month, it takes less than 15 minutes a day to look over the numbers and make any adjustments necessary. You wont find a simpler business to run. And listen, this business will never change. The principles, once you learn them, are yours forever . Youll be able to hand them down to your children and grandchildren. The principles will never change because the markets never really change. New products may come on the market, but as long as the stock market is still around, the basics of this business will never change. This business is Evergreen . and the principles youre learning will be valuable for many, many years to come. And here are just a few of those principles youll be discovering: How you can use options to Generate a Steady Monthly Cash Flow . you may even decide to walk away from your day job How to manage your options business strictly by the numbers. take your emotions completely out of the picture ( this is HUGE ) Why Risk Management is the key to your success in any type of trading. and why its essential in options trading How to create and utilize ldquoRisk Profilesrdquo. visually determine a tradersquos potential profitability in one glance. The secret that 99.8 of option traders donrsquot know . how to quickly change your strategy if the stock goes against you ndash up or down. What Will Be Covered for You In The Course You will get a total of 12 modules. Each one contains several hands-on videos. Look over my shoulder and follow along as I walk you step-by-step through each topic. Heres just a small sample of things youll discover: Module 1: Introduction To Trading As A Business Description: This section introduces you to a new way of trading options mdash as a business . Emphasis is on risk management and building a portfolio of trades that can be managed strictly by the numbers. Module 2: Introduction To Trade Types and Analysis Description: This module includes a brief overview of buying and selling options using vertical spreads, double vertical spreads, bull call spreads, straddles, calendars, double calendars, and iron condors. It also includes a discussion of time value, intrinsic value, extrinsic value, and in-the-money (ITM), at-the-money (ATM), and out-of-the-money (OTM) options. In addition youll learn how to setup and use the thinkorswim platform to analyze your trades. Module 3: The Greeks - Managing By The Numbers Description: The Greeks play a critical role in your trading business. They are the numbers youll use to manage your portfolio profitably. In this module, youll gain an understanding of exactly what the Greeks are and, exactly how they impact your business. This section includes a video and a comprehensive, yet easy to read 5 page CONFIDENTIAL REPORT on how to profit from quotThe Greeksquot. Module 4 : Trade Selection And Strategy Description: In this module youll learn how to determine which positions to put on and precisely when and how to put them on. Youll also learn what charts, if any, really matter, and well take a look at the big picture behind what were doing. Module 5: Portfolio Building Description: Youll discover how to build a portfolio by putting on positions that work together. This is where many traders go wrong - they put on individual positions and do not understand how they affect their overall portfolio. Module 6: Using The TOS Platform - The Tools Of The Trade Description: ThinkorSwim (TOS), is in my opinion, the best broker and has the best trading platform available. If you had to pay separately for the types of analysis tools they give you as an account holder, it would cost you hundreds of dollars a month in fees - with TOS theyre totally free. I take you inside the TOS platform and help you access the power thats available to you. (There are other software programs you can use to analyze your trades, but TOS is free when you open an account.) Module 7: Portfolio Management By The Greeks, Adjustments, VIX and More. Description: Now that youve built your portfolio, your key to success is to manage it by the numbers. You learned the Greeks, now its time to put them into action. When youve completed this section youll be able to look at the numbers and quickly determine what they mean and what to do with them, if anything. Module 8: The Art Of Adjustments - The Secret Key Description: What happens when your numbers dont look good This is where 99 of all traders get killed. they have no clue what to do when a position goes against them. So they just take the loss. Its too bad because most trades can be saved. They can be made profitable by adjusting. Imagine making one small change to your position and increasing your odds of making a profit by 80 Thats what adjusting can do for you Adjustments are the missing link in option trading that almost no one teaches. Module 9: Closing Positions Description: Discover how and when to close your positions for maximum profits. Resiko memegang posisi ke dalam minggu kedaluwarsa. When and how to buy short-term insurance to protect your profits. How to close positions and get free trades left over mdash that have a chance of DOUBLING your profits. Module 10: The Big Picture - Technical Analysis Description: Part 1 - In this section youll find out which key analysis tools are critical in helping you determine the probabilities of market direction. Well discuss why the market moves up and down in a seemingly random fashion, and youll get a historical perspective on market movements going back to 1900. Youll end up with a realistic plan of attack for determining future market direction based on factual evidence. In Part 2, youll learn about short-term indicators that can help you to better time your trades. And youll discover an indicator that predicts short-term and opening market direction with an amazing degree of accuracy. Its right nearly 95 of the time Module 11: Advanced Techniques And Explosive Wealth Building Strategies Description: This should actually be titled as a bonus section. It not only contains the most powerful options strategies on the planet, it also introduces you to a couple of Super High-Powered stock trading strategies . Strategi Peledak 1: Dengan menggunakan metode yang satu ini, perdagangan 14.000 berubah menjadi keuntungan 75.000 hanya dalam waktu 8 bulan. Sebagian besar uang beresiko 650. Itu adalah jumlah total yang berisiko saat posisi ini dimulai dan TIDAK ada lebih banyak uang yang dimasukkan ke posisi tersebut. It has an amazing profitloss ratio . It does require a longer time frame - 6 to 8 months, but its not uncommon for these trades to create the type of profits you can brag about . Want to make a killing in the market It doesnt get any better than this. Explosive Strategy 2: Another method I call Flipping Stocks lets you buy stocks cheaper than anyone else, and if the market does not cooperate - you get paid lots of money for waiting until it does This is for bigger players with more capital. but when you have 15k or more to put to work, these longer term trades will generate explosive profits for you . Explosive Strategy 3: With this new strategy you have unlimited upside or downside potential and only about 50 at risk. This strategy is extremely powerful and one of the biggest real secrets that I know of. Ive never seen anyone else discuss this tactic. Wait until you see the power of this strategy. You can make 1000s with a total risk of about 50. This is as close as it gets to a free-lunch on Wall Street This is the perfect low-risk strategy for playing earnings reports, takeover news, or any stock you think will move big in either direction. Explosive Strategy 4: If you want to be more active in stocks but hate the risk, youll love this strategy. With it, you can day trade without the risk normally associated with day trading. You can also set it up as a semi-automated trading system. Its another very powerful low risk, high earning strategy for more active participants (requires capital of 25,000 due to pattern day trading regulations). Explosive Strategy 5: If you like the idea of the monthly income trades but you were wondering how to turbo charge them to make a fortune, then you will love THIS strategy. Instead of 1000-2000 a month you can start generating 5,000 to 40,000 a month after learning this. This last strategy is the icing on the cake - the peak moment in all your hard study. It will be worth 100 times what you paid for this course . maybe even more. Why didnt I reveal this to you before Because you wouldnt be able to use this strategy without the foundation laid out in Modules 0 to 10. Everything youve learned thus far has been leading up to this. AND Explosive Strategy 4. There you have it. those are some highlights from what youll be learning in the course - I guarantee you wont find anyone else teaching all this. The course consists of 42 videos delivered to you on DVD. I made the course incredibly affordable to make sure you could learn all this without having to stress over the price. I have paid as much as 3,000 for one course and 5,000 for another - you will get much more from this course than both of those combined. Theres even one online trading course that charges 7,500 for online access just to learn the basics of options. Bonus 1 M odule 12-1 : Inside Days This is the One Trading Secret That Could Finally Make You Rich Im not going to make any promises about how much money youll make using this trading strategy (that very few people know about and even fewer people understand). Irsquoll only say that it could make you rich. How much money you make using it depends entirely on you This one, simple, easy to learn strategy for trading stocks, options, futures, forex or any other liquid investment is, in my opinion, one of the greatest trading strategies anyone can use to start making money in the markets . So What Are Inside Days An Inside Day is a day which has a lower high and a higher low than the previous day. Find out how to exploit these days for profit now Bonus 2 M odule 12-2. Extreme Trading Description: Watch this introduction to extreme Day Trading, and get ready for some really fast action excitement and profits Watch me buy and trade the extremes and learn how you can do the same while you watch Bonus 3 FREE IMMEDIATE ACCESS : GET STARTED RIGHT AWAY Your course on DVD will take a few days to arrive, but you wont have to wait until it does. Youll get immediate online access to the entire course so you can get started right away . Well be charging 67 for that in the future because of the bandwidth required to view all 42 videos online, but you get it for free if you order today. Heres What a Few of Our Members Are Saying comments used with permission quotIm Very Impressed with Your Videosquot I have to say that youre a very good teacher I had absolutely no knowledge about options, so I followed your advice and went to the optionseducation. org web site to get some basics before beginning your course. Im very impressed with your videos and the helpful info and tips youre giving. Im through module 4 and Im starting to get a good grasp of it. -) Ill let you know how it goes quotHow Come It Was Hidden From Me For So Longquot You are a good guy (what an understatement). I just reviewed the first part of strategy 1 in module 11. I cant believe I havent read about it in any of the trading books (and I have read many). This is so simple. How come it was hidden from me for so long Anyway, thanks for doing a great service for the trading community. Tuhan memberkati. quotYour System Demystifies the Options Gamequot Its Dave Ward here we swapped a few emails lately through your site. Why am I writing Well Ive been thinking about your course a lot lately (in fact all the time) and how fantastic it is. Since I got your videos I havent stopped thinking about the massive potential for ordinary guys like me to make money with options. I finish work and Im reviewing your videos all night, Im reading stuff, researching, talking to people about it. I dont think Ive ever been this excited about any other opportunity I have come across. Your system demystifies the options game to a degree where almost anyone with good work ethic and willingness to learn can succeed. Im positive that your course could have a positive impact on thousands of not tens of thousands of people who are struggling both on and off the internet to make money just like me. I know you have a massive list and already partner with some of the big names in network in network marketing but if you are looking for someone down in the trenches so to speak to partner with to further get the message out about your course through and affiliate program or whatever I would really love to be involved. I hope you dont mind me being so forward Ive never written to anyone like this before but I have a good feeling about your course. I also know that that if you dont ask you dont get and that great opportunities dont come around very often so you need to grab them with both hands if they do. (Additional Testimonials Below ) You get 42 videos shipped to you on DVD so you can easily watch them at home on your computer You get the Core Training Program - 11 Modules that walk you step-by-step through the entire quotTrading as a Businessquot system You get the bonus Module which includes two High-Powered advanced strategies - quotInside Daysquot and quotExtreme Tradingquot You get immediate online access so you can get started right away You get a 7 page course guide and a 5 page report on the quotGreeksquot in PDF format Ok. so by now Im sure you realize just how powerful the quotExpert Option Tradingquot system is, and how it can dramatically change your life with all the additional income it will create for you . But, now youre probably wondering. How Much Is This Going To Set You Back Well, the real question you should be asking is how much is it worth to have an expert with over 23 years of stock and options trading experience take you by the hand and literally walk you step-by-step through the entire Expert Option Trading system Someone whos currently using the same system to generate an income that most people only dream about. Thats exactly what Ill do for you. What would it be worth for you to be able to look over my shoulder while I make my own trades The answer should be obvious. Its quotPricelessquot Remember, I reveal absolutely everything . All the tips, tricks, and strategies that allow me to make more money every month than many people make in a FULL year Heres the bottom line. Considering Im handing you the exact formula I use to generate a full-time yearly income every month . this system is easily worth 1997. And considering similar option trading courses are priced between 5,000 and 10,000, even 1997 would be a bargain. But dont worry, Im not going to charge you anywhere near that much. After much consideration, Ive decided to price the course very fairly at only 497. However, in light of the economy right now I wanted to make it affordable to everyone. So if you grab a copy today . You Get a Massive Discount For a VERY limited time only, you can literally steal the entire course from me at an almost insane 1997 . 497 . 197 But grab your copy now. this special price is only temporary and will be increased to 497 soon. possibly even before you get done reading this letter. And dont worry. Theres absolutely zero risk on your part because. Im shouldering all the risk (as I should) with a. 100 Iron Clad Unconditional Money-Back Guarantee. Go through the entire quotExpert Option Tradingquot system . Watch the videos, complete the training. and if at any time within 60 days youre not thoroughly convinced the course is worth twice what you paid for it, just send it back. Betul. Take 60 days to check it out and, if for any reason. or no reason at all. youre not TOTALLY satisfied with the income producing power of these revolutionary strategies . send it back and Ill quickly refund every penny of your investment. It truly is risk free. Begitu. If youd like a proven system capable of earning you a full-time income from home then take action right now . Get your hands on this program today. YES - Dave, I want you to give me the exact strategies and techniques I need to start making my living trading stock options. Send me the Expert Option Trading System: Trading as a Business Training Program A Total Value of 1,997 for ONLY 197.00 I understand I will receive 4 2 videos delivered to my door on DVD. I will also receive immediate online access to all 4 2 videos so I can get started right away . I also understand my investment is backed by your Iron-Clad 60-Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee . P. S. - Get instant access now before the price goes up. Remember, if you order today youll get the entire course for only 197. If you wait you may have to pay 497. P. P. S. - Dont forget, You can try it risk-free . With my 60-Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee . all the risk is on me. quotI Found This Program Phenomenalquot After reviewing the Course on DVD several times I found this program PHENOMENAL. I went LIVE on thinkorswim platform right away and I started to make good money already with small losses. I am doing spreads and adjustments and I am very excited. I thank you very very much. Sincerely, Tadeusz Przechodzki quotI Have Been Trading. And Making Moneyquot Yes, I have been trading. and making money I was aware of many of these types of trades, but was not very good at adjustments - until now. There are so many trading secrets, and you do a GREAT job teaching them. Thank you for sharing this awesome course and improving my trading. now I trade with confidence quotIve Been Very Un-successful in Trading Until I Found Your Videosquot Its coming along very well. I established an account with TDAmeritrade sometime ago, so I could trade on a daily basis. I already had the software but Ive been very un-successful in trading until I found your videos. I think your videos are really good for people like myself, Ive been looking for someone to show me the secrets to trading. My goal is to establish a second monthly income and build wealth. Im extremely excited about the videos. Thanks, James Sims quotSafe Reliable Way to Earn a Monthly Incomequot I have been trying to do stocks, forex, and options over the last 10 years or so and never found a safe reliable way to earn a monthly income from the money markets. That is until now This information is so logical it blows me away. Thanks for awakening my dream (the one that got crushed by the FX markets). Best Regards Kevin. R. Davies quotMoney Very Well Spentquot I appreciate these emails, I think they are great. This is a wonderful program. Money very well spent. I have been studying options for 7 months now and this is giving me far more information than anything else I have done. quotI Cant Believe What I Have Been Missingquot Tim, Thanks for the msg. I cant believe what I have been missing all this time. Makes me ill to think of all the money I have let slip through my fingers. Keep in touch, and Thank You. quotWhat a Great Systemquot What a great system i cant belive it. It is in front of you and you just cant see it. Thank you soo much, this will be a lot of fun after all my losses I had. Great work thank you so much. quotYour Program Is The Bestquot The videos are great. I invested in all types of books went to seminars on stocks and options and not one them ever made it so simple to invest in options. For years I have been looking on how to invest properly in the market like the big boys who constantly make money in all markets. The thing that is most mind boggling is your program is the best and I didnt have to pay 5,000 to get the information. I just want thank you for having an awesome product that didnt cost an arm and a leg and a few other body parts to obtain knowledge on trading options. Thank you, Ron Richardson quotLearned a LOT and Really Enjoyed Itquot I just wanted to say how much we enjoyed and learned from your videos. I shared this with my Father who is a retired M. I.T. mathematician and an active trader. We both learned a LOT and really enjoyed it. I have read over 100 books on trading and options and never learned as much as I did in your lessons. Best Regards, Jeff amp David Assael :) Los Angeles, CA Hi, I am extremely happy with your product. It is incredible value, something I did not get from other providers after speding upwards of 30,000 quotOver 1700 in Less Than a Dayquot By the way, purchased a 4 day option with AAPL at 379 got out at 388 (I know risky move, on a four day option) made over 1700 in less than a day. I know that this is not the norm, but definitely now see the value of Options trading. Once again, Thanks Richard Maciel quotI Feel More Confidentquot Hi. Ive really been enjoying the Expert Option Trading course. I am learning so much, and its gotten me excited about trading in the market again. The only difference is this time I feel more confident. quotThese Videos Are Brilliantquot I was unsure in the beginning but I got to say that these videos are brilliant. Best regards, Lorenz Sommerer quotExplanation of His System is Awesomequot Thanks for the follow up. Yes, Ive been using Thinkorswim for awhile now. Man, Daves explanation of of his system is awesome. Im learning alot. Again, Thanks Tim for checking up on me, Kimmakone Siharath quotService is Greatquot My videos arrived yesterday That was fast and am very happy. This quick service helps me trust you and Dave. When buying on-line I am always a bit leary but so far I am very happy with your products and service is great. Thanks, Randy Scheffel quotYour Customer Service is as Great as Your Coursequot Thanks a lot for your help and support and I must sat that your customer service is as great as your course. I sincerely appreciate. All the Best, and a Warm Greeting from a Remote Island, Thierry Pierre copy ExpertOptionTrading All rights reserved U. S. Government Required Disclaimer - Options trading has large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. Anda harus sadar akan risikonya dan bersedia menerimanya agar bisa berinvestasi di pasar opsi. Jangan berdagang dengan uang yang tidak bisa Anda rugi. Situs web ini bukan ajakan atau tawaran untuk opsi BuySell. No representation is being made that any information you receive will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed on this web site The past performance of any trading system or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results. Silakan gunakan akal sehat. Situs ini dan semua isinya untuk tujuan pendidikan saja. Tolong dapatkan saran penasihat keuangan yang kompeten sebelum menginvestasikan uang Anda ke instrumen keuangan apa pun. Additional Disclaimer: I strongly recommend that you consult with a licensed financial professional or therapist before using any information provided on this web site Any market data or commentary used on this page is for illustrative, educational, and creative expression purposes only. Although it may provide information relating to investment ideas and trading as a business, visual ideas or opportunities to buy or sell securities or options, you should not construe anything on this page as legal, tax, investment, financial or any other type of advice. Jika Anda melakukannya, itu kesalahan Anda sendiri. Nothing contained on this page constitutes a solicitation, recommendation, promotion, endorsement, push or offer to buy or sell any security by anyone involved with this site Copyright 2010 by Expert Option Trading All rights reserved

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